CITC Stories from students

I am from Texas and am 15 years old. I grew up with a mother who abandon me at two. Her need for drugs, alcohol and prostitution proved more important to her than her family. My father loved us the only way he knew how to and gave into our wants without any discipline.  He wanted to provide for us the love and nurturing that a mother would bring into our lives, but money did not buy our happiness.

During my time at Teen Challenge I have learned, to put boundaries up for my mom so that she no longer can influence my life. To let go of all my shame and not let it hold me down from my future. My step mom and I are working on forgiveness for the shame and hurt I caused my dad through his investigation and proven innocence. I have learned that I am worthy of being made sober and putting my comfort in God and God alone. Jesus has set me free from the bondage of lying, has helped me gain respect for myself again, and over time He will continue to heal me from what was lost.

Teen Challenge changed my life completely, I learned what it really meant to be a Christian and after I graduated I learned how hard it was to live what I was taught. It has been a struggle for me but now I know what it is like to live. Teen challenge turned around my life. I will never forget the friends I made during the time. I will always keep in touch with the friends that I have been blessed to meet. I couldn’t have done it without their guidance, thank you so much”, Melanie