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Stay Sharp

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program

Stay Sharp is a unique hard-hitting, high-energy substance abuse prevention presentation designed to provide awareness for school students and offer a glimpse into the consequences that bad choices can bring.  

It offers a multimedia presentation that addresses the facts, misinformation, and costs of substandce abuse.  Young presenters relate their own experiences with drugs and the destructive cosequences substance abuse had on them and their families.

Teen drinking, smoking and drug use remained stable in 2017, according to the Monitoring the Future survey, published by But 14.5 percent of adolescents reported using marijuana in the past 30 days — the highest rate of teen marijuana use since 2013. The survey showed that heroin and opioid use remained low among adolescents, while use of inhalants increased among eighth-grade students. Vaping nicotine, cannabis and flavored products was popular among teens in 2017.

Drugs and alcohol have a greater effect on teens than on adults.  The signs of addiction can be difficult to understand, and many adolescents don’t realize the long-term damage drugs have on their bodies because the short-term side effects.

The Stay Sharp program offers the following:

  • Specifically addresses the Facts, Lies, and Costs of addiction.
  • Engages the hearts and minds of youth through a visual encounter.
  • Educates youth about the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Equips youth to make healthy choices.
  • Empowers youth with truth and hope.
  • Pre and post assessment to determine effectiveness of program.

Goals of Stay Sharp

  •          Facilitate open, honest conversation about the harmful effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
  •          Encourages supportive environments in the community between peers, young people, adults, students, and administrators.
  •          Reduce the number of teens experimenting with or regularly using drugs or alcohol.
  •          Instill hope by inspiring those who are struggling with substance abuse to ask for help and to know that recovery is possible.
  •          Encourage those who know someone who is using drugs or alcohol to get help by speaking with a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or parent.